Stretching Therapy / by Casey Warner

Have you stretched lately? Chances are you haven’t.  Many of us don’t have a regular stretching routine and we forget (possibly ignore) how vital it is to our overall health. Granted who has time to stretch when there is dinner to make, dogs to walk, laundry, yoga class and the list goes on and on. Did I say “yoga class”? Yes, even those who do yoga on a regular basis could benefit from additional stretching, and here’s why. If you practice yoga daily, you’re probably set, but if you are a once or twice a weeker you still have 5 days a week you need to stretch. Focus on areas like chest, abdomen, hips and neck.  Optimal times are before bed and upon waking, post workout or pretty much any free time you can squeeze.  It doesn’t have to be fancy, just taking a few minutes to get on the floor and stretch what feels good is a start.   Here are a few videos to help get you started.