
Spring is springing and so is the heat! by Casey Warner

Northern Georgia spring weather is like a roller-coaster!

It's A/C by day and heat by night and if you are like me you forget to make the switch and wake up to shivering children and immediately crank up the thermostat.  By 5 pm you realize you are sweating and return to the thermostat to crank it down to a liveable temperature! If you are from Georgia then you know what true Georgia summers are like and it is best to be prepared for high heat!

The following infographic will help you identify the symptoms of more serious heat conditions. 

At Drift we truly believe in a Holistic approach to health.   Lifestyle, diet and spiritual health are all part of the bigger picture! Massage can help encourage proper elimination, which includes sweating.  Our bodies must sweat in order to detox and keep our body temperature at an ideal degree.

 So stay active, practice healthy self-care, stay hydrated and stay happy!