Organic skincare

Multi Tasking Micro by Casey Warner

Microdermabrasion benefits people with uneven pigmentation, fine lines and clogged pores can benefit from a series treatments. Although after just one session you will notice improvement, we suggest having regular treatments based on your skin type/skin issue.

Skin type/issue does play a major factor in determining how often you should be treated. Oily, clogged or pigmentation issues skin can receive a micro as often as ever 2 weeks. Dry, aging, dull skin should be a consistent monthly routine.

Microdermabrasion stimulates blood flow, which increases the nutrition delivered to skin cells. This improves cell production, which improves skin's elasticity and texture.

Every session not only improves pigmentation and unclogs pores, it also has great anti aging benefits. Making microdermabrasion great multi tasker!


Lindsey Rift 

Combating Cellulite by Casey Warner

Cellulite is considered normal and very common. Cellulite is actually caused by fibrous tethers that run through your fat and pull on the fascia that lies underneath your skin resulting in lumpy, bumpy thighs and buttocks. It effects up to 90 percent of women and approximately 10 percent of men. Getting rid of those pesky dimples takes a dedicated routine. Ideally dry brushing and caffeine based scrub should be done 3 to 5 times per week to smooth the appearance of cellulite.

Dry brushing is good for glowing skin, manual lymphatic drainage and also helps to remove cellulite from the body by boosting oxygen into the blood. 

There is a right way to dry brush. Make sure to research the proper techniques and always brush towards the heart. Dry brushing helps to remove cellulite from the body by boosting oxygen into the blood. Dry brushing is not recommended for the face!

Realistically, most people will not be able to do a full body dry brushing 5-10 minutes 3-5 times a week. I suggest targeting the buttocks, thighs and belly for 30 seconds each directly before bathing.

Once you are done with your regular bathing routine, apply a coffee based body scrub.  It is important to do the scrub last before ending bathing. The oils in this scrub do make the tub/shower slippery, so take caution.  Caffeine tightens and provides antioxidants when applied to skin topically. This will leave your skin soft, glowy and moisturized.Here is a wonderful DYI scrub recipe.


Here at Drift Wellness Studio we provide a dry brushing service. It is an add service to any massage or facial. We get to those hard to reach areas and let's face it, it feels good. Come in a relax and refresh today. 

Lindsey Rift  

Dry Brushing by Casey Warner

Dry brushing has so many health and skin benefits, but how does it work?

Skin is the largest organ in the human body, it is also an organ of elimination. Naturally, body toxins are excreted through the skin and dry brushing helps unclog pores and helps release those toxins that are trapped. So what do we gain out of this? The benefits are numerous:

Exfoliation: This is what most will notice immediately, softer and much smoother skin! The process of running a firm brush on dry skin helps loosen and remove dead skin cells, thus naturally exfoliating skin.

Clean Pores: When you dry brush you are exfoliating, that also means that you are clearing your pores of oil, dirt and impurities. 

Lymphatic System: When you dry brush it will kick start you lymphatic system, which eliminates toxins. The stiffer the brush (bristles) the better the stimulation.

Cellulite: What, cellulite? Yes, it helps reduce cellulite. Cellulite is really toxic materials that have accumulated in your body’s fat cells and are stuck and unable to be eliminated from the body. Dry brushing helps break down those trapped toxins from within and helps eliminate them naturally.

In-grown Hair: When dry brushing you are exfoliating, that means you are removing a thin layer or dead skin build-up. If you suffer from ingrown hair, particularly from shaving, when this layer is removed it allows the hair to grow in its natural direction and avoid infection.

Lindsey Rift


Winter Back Treatment by Casey Warner

Going into the winter months, we all have dry skin.  We can reach most of those places on our own but not our back.  Do you know anyone that could benefit from a skin treatment for that hard to scratch place? What a perfect gift for that someone who is hard to buy for! This treatment includes a deep cleaning, aromatic steaming, exfoliation (scrub off all that dead skin), extractions (if needed), warm towels and a moisturizering masque that is designed to leave your skin Ugly Sweater ready.

Lindsey Rift




Finally Fall by Casey Warner

Today was the first day I truly felt like Fall has arrived in Athens. I woke up to a cool crisp morning and in immediately wanted something pumpkin spiced. With the season changing, it might be time to add an oil to your skin care routine. When you turn on the heat or start up that fireplace, the humidity in your home/work/car decreases. Low humidity equals dry skin. We have the just the solution for you. Drift Wellness Studio's very own skin care line Ester, created by Casey Gunter, has an amazing Age Defying Night Treatment Oil. This oil is packed with the perfect combination of therapeutic organic essential oils and carrier oils, designed to prevent fine lines and age spots. This versatile product can also be used as a makeup remover and oil cleanser. This is hands down our #1 selling product and we have a new batch coming in just in time for Fall!

*tip~ Use on the back of the hands to prevent premature aging as well.  

Lindsey Rift


Benefits of a Facial Routine by Casey Warner

Facials can help with obvious issues such as acne, dehydration and dullness but the long term benefits go much deeper. The initial effect of a facial helps the skin look and feel brighter, smoother and refreshed. The long term benefits to regular facials prevent aging,  reversal of hyperpigmention and scarring and stress reduction. Take time to take care of your skin as well as your mind. Wether you want to relax and de-stress or have an active conversation about your skin and life, we are here for you!

Lindsey Rift


The Lisa White Spiering Legacy Scholarship Program by Kim Kirby

I'm proud to announce that I am a winner of this years Lisa White Legacy Scholorship program from the International Dermal Institiute.   This means I get tons of free education from some of the best in the skin care industry.. I have just completed a class on peels and exfoliations and will be taking speed waxing next week! :)  I chose this path of massage and skincare, because I love it. I am passionate about it on so many levels.  I want to push myself to be the best I can be for all of you.  I look forward to seeing all of you and sharing all of my new found skills. 


read more about it here

International Dermal Institiute 



Casey Brown