gifts for females

Holiday Gift Certificates by Casey Warner

What to give that hard to buy person this Holiday Season? A Gift Certificate to Drift Wellness of course! Hands up if you don't like massages and facials.....Not seeing many hands out there because they are awesome!

We are running a Gift Certificate Special. Buy 3 or more 1 hour services and get $5 off of each. We can schedule a time for you to pick up a gift certificate or we can send and online version for all those last minute shoppers out there. What a great way to say you care. Give the gift of relaxation this Season. 

From our families to yours, Happy Holidays! 

Lindsey Rift


Dry Brushing by Casey Warner

Dry brushing has so many health and skin benefits, but how does it work?

Skin is the largest organ in the human body, it is also an organ of elimination. Naturally, body toxins are excreted through the skin and dry brushing helps unclog pores and helps release those toxins that are trapped. So what do we gain out of this? The benefits are numerous:

Exfoliation: This is what most will notice immediately, softer and much smoother skin! The process of running a firm brush on dry skin helps loosen and remove dead skin cells, thus naturally exfoliating skin.

Clean Pores: When you dry brush you are exfoliating, that also means that you are clearing your pores of oil, dirt and impurities. 

Lymphatic System: When you dry brush it will kick start you lymphatic system, which eliminates toxins. The stiffer the brush (bristles) the better the stimulation.

Cellulite: What, cellulite? Yes, it helps reduce cellulite. Cellulite is really toxic materials that have accumulated in your body’s fat cells and are stuck and unable to be eliminated from the body. Dry brushing helps break down those trapped toxins from within and helps eliminate them naturally.

In-grown Hair: When dry brushing you are exfoliating, that means you are removing a thin layer or dead skin build-up. If you suffer from ingrown hair, particularly from shaving, when this layer is removed it allows the hair to grow in its natural direction and avoid infection.

Lindsey Rift


Winter Back Treatment by Casey Warner

Going into the winter months, we all have dry skin.  We can reach most of those places on our own but not our back.  Do you know anyone that could benefit from a skin treatment for that hard to scratch place? What a perfect gift for that someone who is hard to buy for! This treatment includes a deep cleaning, aromatic steaming, exfoliation (scrub off all that dead skin), extractions (if needed), warm towels and a moisturizering masque that is designed to leave your skin Ugly Sweater ready.

Lindsey Rift


